20 June 2008

Boss Portals newest application to enter the market, bAlarm, is a revolutionary fault management system that works the same way as you would.  With the massive number of alarms generated by the network every day, troubleshooting is like finding a needle in a haystack.  Using its unique Context Views feature, bAlarm can help you navigate through the swarm of alarms with ease and arrive at a diagnosis swiftly.  It lets you focus on resolving the problem, rather than trying to figure out what happened.

“bAlarm can automatically associate any alarm with equipment, network, circuits and customers and presents this information along with the alarm to the user for acknowledgement. says Norman Lam, Chief Architect at Boss Portal.  This significantly reduces the time to determine the customers impacted (if any) and how they are affected, as well as the severity of the impact”

About Boss Portal

Headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, with offices in Asia and the EMEA, Boss Portal has been solving OSS problems for Telecom Operators around the world since 2006. Leveraging our own software technology we have solutions to a number of long standing challenges facing our customers, often considered ‘too hard’ to fix.  We have a solid track record of delivering tangible business benefits in a range of network and customer operations. We understand the unique needs of OSS in these domains and we know OSS like the back of our hands. For more information on Boss Portal please visit our web site