Rally around service commitments

It’s a race all day every day when it comes to maintaining uninterrupted services for your customers.  Add to that business partners, geographies and multiple time zones, and you’ve got a real juggling act on your hands.  With Case Management, we’ve put all the necessary tools and information in one place, so you can rally the team around your service commitments with ease.


Case Management tracks the service history for each asset on the network, providing vital information for troubleshooting.


Spot recurring equipment fault with ease.  It facilitates the implementation of scheme for vendors to replace, rather than repair, faulty equipment after repeated failures


Working alongside Service Inventory, Case Management is able to identify other alarms on the network that you may consider linking to the current case, based on the alarms that are already linked to the case.


It helps ensure no relevant alarms to a case are overlooked and Case Management has made the process almost effortless.


At the click of a button, Case Management can notify all affected customers of their impacted services, complete with all vital information.


Raise the bar for customer experience by demonstrating your commitments to them with timely communication and complete control of the situation.